Steps to calculate Socious Impact Points

STEP1: Calculate Impact Points Money - NOT IMPLEMENTING THIS NOW

STEP2: Calculate Impact Points Time

STEP3: Calculate Socious Impact Score - NOT IMPLMENTING THIS NOW

Additionally, in an innovative approach to monetizing and leveraging impact, organizations using the Socious platform have the opportunity to sell the impact they create through our partnership with OutcomesX. This unique platform specializes in the trading of quantified impact outcomes, offering a marketplace where the value of positive social and environmental changes can be transacted. The dollar value of the impact sold on OutcomesX is directly added to the organization's Impact Points within the Socious system. This mechanism not only incentivizes organizations to generate and measure impactful outcomes but also provides a tangible financial benefit to their efforts. It represents a groundbreaking step in linking impact creation with economic gain, thereby fostering a more sustainable and impact-driven business ecosystem. This synergy between Socious and OutcomesX empowers organizations to not only track and improve their impact but also to receive recognition and tangible rewards for their contributions to societal and environmental well-being.
